We are a Telugu Padmashali family that hails from the city of Hyderabad. Our roots date back to the late 1800. This is a small effort by us to try and find the missing answers to some of the questions in regards with the Padmashali community. This is also an effort to list out some of the DOs and DON’Ts, for everyone in it. For a while now, the padmashali has been living a life far from what was originally prescribed to him. Perhaps due to the influence of external elements, and the unfortunate economic slowdown of the ancient trade of weaving, the true virtues and duties of a Padmashali have been long lost in time. We figured, it’s time we started digging the past in search of facts; facts that were either lost through generations, or had been altered on purpose. Whatever the case is, there is no better time to find the answers that need to be given to the future generations..

We would be taking extra care to thoroughly validate our findings, before we could publish them. Nevertheless, we urge all the visitors of our site to provide your feedback from time to time. And kindly let us know, should any of the information found here seem questionable or debatable.

As quoted by Sri Swami Vivekananda…”We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far”….let’s give it a thought, and try to make a difference to our community.

Ekkaladevi Family Details

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